I haven't written a blog in almost 2 years but today is the day that I break my writing silence. Normally if I have a great blog idea or status update it's late at night or I'm driving in the car or I'm at work or some other place that I don't have computer access. Today church I had one of those moments that inspired me and I'm actually taking the time to write about it.
God has been so faithful to Crossroads Church. Today we celebrated a new beginning in our church, a building dedication. Our church has been meeting in an old church building that was gifted to us for FREE! A whole building, all $2.5m, of it for $0. What a blessing! Renovations were done to being the building up to code and today we celebrated in the new space.
During the service I was struck by how God answers prayers and how important it is to praise Him and acknowledge when you see the answer to prayer. So I'm going to tell some of my biggest prayers and how they've been answered.
The first prayer was an unknown prayer that I had that God answered. It was having a relationship with Christ. I didn't know I need God and I didn't know that He would call me even though I wasn't searching for Him. But today I can't imagine going even one second without my creator by my side.
The second is like the first in that I didn't know God was answering a prayer. The Gathering, the college ministry that I was privileged to be a part of, changed the course of my life. The people that I met and passion for Christ that I saw deeply impacted how I view the world. I learned to not look to the world for an answer but to look to the Word. To trust that what seemed impossible to me was possible to God.
I prayed many days and nights that God would give me a husband. It wasn't until I told a friend that she and I would be single a long time together that Sean asked me out on our first date. Now we will be celebrating our 2nd anniversary on April 29th.
My mom has been sick most of my life with Hepatitis C. I've prayed for so long for God to heal her but He didn't seem to be answering my prayers in the time frame that I wanted. It made me angry with Him and made me feel like He didn't hear me or care enough to answer my prayers. I didn't understand that God's timing is perfect and if it wasn't in His plan to heal her that it was okay. This month my mom was declared cured from Hepatitis C by her doctors. Praise The Lord for He is good!!
As for Crossroads, I had no idea that while I was still in middle school people were praying for a church in Norfolk. I didn't know that there was a group of college students believing that God wanted a church on the campus of ODU. That they would be praying for a church building to be given to them free of charge. That they wanted a church that would reflect Christ. I knew when I moved down to Hampton Roads that Sean and I would need a God sized intervention to find a church that we would love as much as McLean Bible Church and He came through. God led us to Crossroads.
Today I celebrate what God has done in my life and in the life of Crossroads. Prayer is a powerful thing and God answers in His own time and in his own way.
"8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." -2 Peter 3:8-9
What great reminders of His faithfulness Jen- I look back fondly at seeing how God brought you and Sean together.